Beginner's Guide to Launching and Unloading a Boat By Yourself:
Boating is often a better experience when you go out with others, but sometimes you just want to enjoy the water by yourself. The major downside of going alone is that you have to have to try and unload a boat by yourself. If you go out on a busy day with other boaters, asking someone to lend a hand is often the best practice.
But what if you're truly by yourself, with no one around to help you? Here are the major steps you should follow in order to launch and unload a boat by yourself and into the water:
Step 1: Do the prep-work before you're on the boat ramp.

If you have others with you, it's easy to do all of the necessary pre-work to unload you're boat right before you get in the water. It can be time consuming if you're by yourself though, so don't hog the ramp and do the pre-work before you descend.
Make sure you follow the normal checklist of items that you would follow if you were with others. Make sure the drain plug is inserted properly. Remove the back straps and any other chains keeping your boat secure. Lastly, if you anything sticking out the back, make sure it is up so it doesn't scrape across the ground when you begin your descent.
Step 2: Slowly back down the ramp and into the water.

If you have another person, it's easy for someone to guide you where you need to go. Because you're on your own, you'll want to take your time and reverse carefully. An extra minute or two of slow reversing will save you significantly more time than going too fast, causing your boat to veer in the wrong direction.
Once you reach the water, make sure you put your car in park and put on the emergency break. You won't have anyone in the car with you to stop it if it starts sliding, so making sure it 's parked is vital. This is also a good time to unhook the safety chain from the bow of your boat, but leave the bow winch strap on for now.
Step 3: Back your boat into the water, and have fun!

This can be the most complicated step, but thankfully it's the last one. Get back in your car and slowly reverse until your boat begins to float. You'll know you've gone far enough when your boat slides off the roller.
Put your car in park, undo the final winch strap, and push your boat out as you climb in. Once you're far enough in the water, turn the boat on and park it at the nearest dock. Find a place to park your car and trailer, and you'll have the honor of having launched a boat all by yourself!
Prepare for Boating Season at Bakes Marine:
Excited to get out on the water, but are looking to get your boat serviced? Or maybe you're looking for some fun new toys in order to experience something different on your next trip. Whatever boating help you need, you'll find it at Bakes Marine! Contact us by phone or email to make your next boating adventure even better.