Collection: Lenco

Lenco is a leader in the World of Trim
Trim tabs provide lift to compensate for changes in speed, weight and sea state.

Trusted Safety
With more predictable movement
through the water, you’re better able to
navigate the waves safely.

Ultimate Control
Added stability means you’re in greater
control of your vessel. Ultimately, this
makes you a better skipper, providing
you the ability to make confident
adjustments to your boat’s behavior.

Total Comfort
A smooth ride is ultimately more
enjoyable for those on-board. By getting
you on the plane faster, trim tabs help
limit the impact of waves at all speeds.

Proven Durability
For three decades, Lenco has led the
way in designing products that are built
to last. From robust actuators to trim
tabs with added electro-polished
protection, Lenco products can be relied
on time and time again, so you can relax
and enjoy your time on the water.