Boats can look very spacious when you see them at a boat show or a dealer's lot. But once you get out on the water, a boat's holding capacity seems to magically shrink. Most things expand when you add water, but boats seem to shrink. Whether you are on the Queen Mary 2 or your own performance boat, space suddenly comes at a premium. And just as it is at home on land, so it is on a boat on water: you can never have too much storage and space.
Never fear. No matter what size your boat is, Bakes Marine is happy to offer you some outstanding boat organization and storage ideas.
Staying Alive
Life vests are a safety must for any boat trip. They can present a challenge in that you want to have them handy in case of emergency but out of the way when you don't need them. To help preserve your life preservers and keep them in the best shape for when you need to use them, you should keep your life vests out of the sun and as dry as possible. That's not an easy task out on the water.
Sometimes the simplest solution is best, and that includes life jacket storage ideas on boat outings. A life vest storage bag offers a simple, sensible and affordable solution. One of these will keep all your vests out of the way but accessible when you need them. Most come with handles, so you can carry them off your boat when you're through playing on the water for the day.
Keeping Warm

Blankets and beach towels may not seem as important as life vests, but you and your crew will be happy you have plenty of dry ones to keep comfortable on board or to take a break on the beach. A day in the water can quickly suck the heat out of a body. Keep these in a waterproof canvas bag for easy transport and to ensure everyone keeps nice and toasty even on chilly days.
You and your crew will want to extend your time in the water with wetsuits and dry suits. To keep down the clutter on board, a sturdy plastic trashcan provides a great place to keep these suits handy but out of the way and safe from the sun's destructive UV rays.
Storing Stuff
Boat towers provide altitude to put some attitude in your wakesurfing and wakeboarding. They are also a great place to hang some marine speakers to amp up some tunes to groove to. But did you know towers can also be great space savers? They provide a place to hang your boards and keep them secure and out of the way when not in use.
Anchors and anchoring accessories are crucial safety equipment for boats. But lengthy anchor rodes can be a tripping hazard if not carefully coiled. Keep your anchor lines under control with a rode reel or even a simple plastic basket where you can carefully coil it.