At Bakes Marine, we've spent more than 30 years guiding folks on all things boats - including how to launch a boat by yourself. It takes lots of practice getting your boat onto a trailer, and then practicing driving a trailer with a boat on it before you reach the water.
You'll have to have the right boat and equipment, and a pre-selected spot you know will make a good launch site.
Pre-Launch Necessities
First, if you're launching a boat from a trailer, get everything in your
boat before you reach the point of putting your boat in the water. Second, make sure everything on your boat works
well before your solo boat launch.

Perform your equipment and safety tests; make sure you're up to date on your regular maintenance and safety checks. Are your buoys, boat fenders and ropes in position?
Have you practiced driving a vehicle with a boat on a trailer, whether you're headed for a lake or not? Is the boat plug in position (very important!)?
Solo Boat Launch Steps
If you're at a crowded dock or other boat launch spot, don't pay attention; focus on what you have to do to safely get your boat in the water. You'll want to back your trailer to the edge of the water, and then secure your vehicle's position by checking those parking brakes - twice.

The dock line that you bring along is what will guide your vessel into the water. Tie the dock line to your truck. Remove the boat tie-downs from the trailer. If you don't have waterproof trailer lights, unplug the trailer lights. Position the drain plug.
Double check it very closely. Once you have the boat in the water, release the winch line, get back into your truck, back the boat up, hit the brake lightly (and slowly) to release the boat and let the boat go. It will still be attached to your truck.
Then you can remove the dock line, pulling the boat to the shore. Make sure it's anchored or tied to the dock. Next, park your vehicle away from the launch area and untie the dock rope or line.
Warm up the motor and once it's submerged, test it again to make sure your motor will work while the boat is in the water.
Release the winch line, and off you go.
P.S. If you're new and you need help, ask for it. At a busy shore, there will be someone who remembers their first solo boat launch.
Boat Launch Supplies
Trust Bakes Online for your boat launching supplies. We have Back Up Buddy boat trailer
brakes lock-out keys. Save on our tongue-style Fulton brand 1,200-lb. capacity boat trailer jacks. Shop our
large collection of boat trailer parts and accessories.