From the old sea dogs who centuries ago kept cats aboard their wooden ships to control rat populations in the hold, pets have long been as popular with their people on the water as they are on land. If you want to take your pet or pets on your boat, that's a great way for everyone to have even more fun on the water. But a few special considerations are in order before you head out. To ensure everyone has the best time possible, Bakes Marine offers a few easy tips for boating with pets.
Water Dogs
Most dogs just seem to be made for the water. A dog in a speedy boat with his ears flapping in the breeze can be a picture of pure joy. But if your dog or other pet has never been in a boat before, it's best to introduce this new experience to him gradually. After all, even just sitting in a boat with the waves and water lapping against its gunwales will be a new experience for sensitive pets. Before you get underway, let your pets hang out in the boat while it's docked for a while. Encourage them to explore the boat and get comfortable.
Boarding a boat from a dock can be tricky for humans. It can be even harder for pets. If your pet is small, it's a good idea to carry it on and off your boat so it doesn't drop into the drink between dock and boat. For bigger pets, a ramp or dog boat ladder will make the transition easier.
Outfit your critters with suitable life vests before leaving the dock. Create a plan for a "dog overboard" or "cat overboard" situation so you will be able to rescue any pets that fall out of your boat. You don't want to end up doing the doggy paddle with your pooch. It's a good idea to practice using a boat hook to retrieve your dog so he won't be scared of the situation in an emergency session. On a hot day, most dogs will really enjoy the practice.

Keeping your hound securely tethered can prevent him from falling overboard when you're going fast. A custom dog leash is the simple solution. A leash emblazoned with your favorite watersports brand will also provide a great way for you and your pooch to show off at your local dog park.
Pet Comfort
On board, make sure to provide a spot that will protect your pet from sun and water. Find the best waterproof dog bed you can for your pooch. Other must-have dog boat accessories include a water bowl and a rug or piece of carpet you can lay down so your dog or cat won't slip and slide on slippery decks. Providing a pet food bowl with a bit of your pet's favorite chow to nibble on will also help him feel more confident and happy on your watery adventures.
If you're going to be out all day on the water or for multi-day trips, you will need to provide a place for your pet to answer nature's call. A kitty litter box will work for your cat. With dogs, you should train them to relieve themselves on a piece of Astroturf, carpet or towel you provide for the purpose.